Welcome to ETC 33.1, released in December 2024.
This version includes a few small bugfixes along with data updates.
The ETC evaluation date was updated to 2026-Apr-01 (MJD 61131).
Improved error message for missing uploaded file after using the browser’s back button. (HETC-836)
ACS SBC throughputs were updated using new time dependent sensitivity measurements from March 2024. (HETC-854, HETC-863, INSACS-95)
ACS WFC throughputs were updated to project to the new evaluation MJD. (HETC-854, HETC-863, INSACS-105)
The WFC dark rate has been changed from 0.0161 to 0.0168 cts/s/pix. (HETC-854, HETC-863)
COS NUV throughputs were updated based on new time-dependent sensitivity measurements. FUV throughputs were updated to project to the new evaluation MJD. (HETC-855, HETC-864)
The COS/FUV dark rates for spectroscopic modes have changed for [FUVA, FUVB] from [3.34e-6, 4.15e-6 to [4.81e-6, 5.49e-6] cts/s/pix. (HETC-855, HETC-864)
The COS/FUV dark rates for target acquisition modes have changed for [FUVA, FUVB] from [6.34e-6, 7.00e-6] to [8.92e-6, 9.20e-6] cts/s/pix. (HETC-855, HETC-864)
The COS/NUV dark rate has been changed from 1.22e-3 to 1.18e-3 cts/s/pix. (HETC-855, HETC-864)
STIS FUV throughputs were updated based on monitoring of the time dependent sensitivity. Other throughputs were updated to project to the new evaluation MJD. (HETC-856, HETC-865)
The CCD dark rates for [low, medium, high] were updated from [0.026, 0.032, 0.038] to [0.027, 0.033, 0.039] cts/s/pix, respectively. (HETC-856, HETC-865)
The NUV dark rate was changed from 0.0013 to 0.0011 cts/s/pix. (HETC-856, HETC-865)
No change
Updated dark rates and other scalars in the User’s Guide. (HETC-871)
Fixed User’s Guide search bar functionality. (HETC-882)
Various package dependency updates. (HETC-830, HETC-835)
No change
Please see the News and Known Issues page for known issues with this release.