Release Notes for ETC 32.2

New Features

Welcome to ETC 32.2, released in April 2024.

This version includes a few small bugfixes along with data updates.


  • The ETC evaluation date remains at 2025-Apr-01 (MJD 60766).

  • Input values are repopulated after using the browser’s back button. (HETC-833)

  • An announcement banner has been added to the top of the page. (HETC-764)


  • No change


  • COS FUV throughputs were updated based on new time-dependent sensitivity measurements. (HETC-805, RFD-1790)

  • The COS/FUV dark rates for spectroscopic modes have changed for [FUVA, FUVB] from [3.39e-6, 4.21e-6] to [3.34e-6, 4.15e-6] cts/s/pix. (HETC-805, HETC-814)

  • The COS/FUV dark rates for target acquisition modes have changed for [FUVA, FUVB] from [6.23e-6, 7.01e-6] to [6.34e-6, 7.00e-6] cts/s/pix. (HETC-805, HETC-814)

  • The COS/NUV dark rate has been changed from 1.25e-3 to 1.22e-3 cts/s/pix. (HETC-805, HETC-814)

  • Warning text URLs to the COS Instrument Handbook have been updated. (HETC-827)


  • Throughputs were updated for the CCD (G230LB, G230MB, MIRROR) and NUV-MAMA (G230L, G230M, E230M, E230H, MIRROR) modes based on new time-dependent sensitivity measurements. (HETC-806, RFD-1794)

  • The CCD read noise for gain=[1, 4] changed from [6.4, 8.8] to [6.5, 8.9] e-. (HETC-806, HETC-815)


  • No change


  • Updated dark rates and other scalars in the User’s Guide. (HETC-821)

Under the Hood

  • Various package dependency updates. (HETC-148, HETC-672, HETC-770, HETC-820)

Resolved Issues

  • No change

Known Issues

Please see the News and Known Issues page for known issues with this release.


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