Pickles Models

A Stellar Spectral Flux Library By A.J. Pickles (1998) (PASP 110, 863)

This library of wide spectral coverage consists of 131 flux-calibrated stellar spectra, encompassing all normal spectral types and luminosity classes at solar abundance, and metal-weak and metal-rich F-K dwarf and G-K giant components. Each spectrum in the library is a combination of several sources overlapping in wavelength coverage. The creator of the library has followed precise criteria to combine sources and to assemble the most reliable spectra. As part of the selection criteria prior to combination, all input sources were checked against the SIMBAD database and against the colors and line strengths as derived by the observed spectra themselves to make sure they had similar spectral types.

For more information, see the Reference Data for Calibration and Tools Pickles webpage and the Pickles README file for this catalog. A complete set of files can be found at HSLP Reference Atlases Pickles


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